Saturday, August 18, 2012

monkey bars

When I was younger, I was a beast. A monkey bars beast that is. I remember one time in particular we went to the imagination station at horseshoe lake park when I was six or so. I guess I became bored of everyone else and the cool little hiding spots they have, and I started playing on the monkey bars. I went back and forth, back and forth, never stopping for a break. I don't remember how long this went on for, but it must have been long enough because people started to gather to count how many times I went back and forth and to cheer me on.

That's kind of what this week has felt like. I've really enjoyed my last moments of this summer in New Jersey, but at the same time it's been really crazy trying to get everything ready and saying farewells to people I won't see for about four months. Well, I guess this is it. I'll be back, New Jersey.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

bye-bye red car

This is my car. 

Actually, as my dad loves to point out, this is not my car, and it's going to be sold as soon as I get around to vacuuming, scrubbing and waxing it, and then vacuuming, scrubbing and waxing it some more. Or rather, once I'm gone, it's gone, as well as my room and everything else of mine that remains, although I think they're keeping the picture of me up on the wall. After all, as my brother told me, I'm still part of the family, because I'm "not married yet." Interesting logic right there. 

So I've been thinking. I rather want to come back for the summer next year if I can somehow get an internship, but how will I ever get around with no car? There's absolutely no way I'll get to sit in the driver's seat of my dad's Mustang, let alone drive it, and minivans nowadays are so... well, classy. Not. So what's cheap and doesn't reflect a complete lack of taste? A motorcycle, duh. Which consideration caused me to marvel at myself. Who do I think I am to be able to pull of a motorcycle? I am, after all, no superwoman. 

But then I remembered my old plan, to buy an ultra lite airplane, build it, and then fly it. Kind of like this one...

If the ultra lite could be a consideration, I don't see why not a motorcycle...

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


I've been thinking about creating a blog for a while now, but to use a bad chemistry metaphor, the activation energy for this project was too high to overcome without some enzyme assistance, aka the pressure of a clock ticking down the days until I go to college. There are only ten left. Days until I leave, that is.

To be quite honest, I haven't really thought through this whole my-life-is-going-to-drastically-change-really-soon thing in all that much detail. I know I'm going to take awesome classes and be far, far away from all the people I've been friends with all through high school, but I'm sure the reality of it will still come as a shock. Perhaps this summer has been a little too intense for inward inflection, between travelling, juggling Dunkin' Donuts and work for my dad and then finding time to hang out with friends for this last summer before college (which, I might add, is free of summer homework, hurrah!). Sometimes life just has to drag us along and hope we catch on eventually.

Paradoxically, despite all that I still have left to do, I feel like I did at the beginning of this summer - stuck between two stages of my life, where only time will remedy my straddling position. And thus I am left to wait, no longer a senior and not yet a freshman.