Friday, September 07, 2012

cutting corners

I have a really bad habit of cutting corners all the time. Since I live decently far off campus, every time I go onto campus I envision the point from where I am to campus as a straight line, and then I adjust for cars, roads, buildings, and sometimes people. But I don't just strive the most direct path, I adjust to create the most efficient path, taking into account the energy that each path will require to expend, and time.
I guess the rest of campus concurs with me... My apologies, BYU grass

Good for you, you might say. Except for maybe not so much, because sometimes my tendency to cut corners extends beyond trampling the grass, or partially jay walking from crossing the street at a slant. For example, in my Book of Mormon class we have to read the first half of the book in two weeks, and our professor said the chapter headings weren't technically part of the text... so I haven't read any of them. And then in all my classes I can never seem to do any of the homework before the night it's due, or sometimes even the day of, if it's something that doesn't have to be handed in during the class period. And my food? Yeah, definitely not up to snuff. I really do need to do better to stay on top of things... and to do them the right way, not just half-way or part way. 

Also, my habit of calculating the possible benefits and detriments to each path has led me to the realization that to every situation there are way more factors than you can see at the initial glance. Sticking with the example of getting to point A to point B in the most efficient manner, one might decide to cut through the grass, because the distance that way is shortest. But is it the most effective path? Because after all, the grass offers much more resistance than the sidewalk does, so it probably takes longer and requires more energy. And there's always the risk that the sprinklers were just on so you might slip or at the very least your new shoes will get soaked. So really, is it worth it? I don't know. Honestly, I'd probably be better off walking to campus like a regular person. 

On a somewhat unrelated note, my organic chemistry class (so far) is awesome. My professor is absolutely obsessed with explosions and I love it. Every class period we usually get at least two explosions, although this time it was something cooler... the reaction of sulfuric acid and sugar. Watch the last minute or so of this video. The smoke you see coming off is carbon dioxide. Chemistry is so neat!

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