Friday, March 15, 2013

a belated pi day post

Maybe it's because I'm a complete nerd or maybe because math is wonderful and has the capacity to be oh so very interesting, but I'm a fan of Vi Hart and her videos. If I had a guarantee that math would be as cool as she makes it seems in her videos all of the time, I would become a math major right now. But alas. It's not so. But Vi Hart has convinced me that tau is indeed better than pi. You're probably wondering what tau is. It's okay. I too once was ignorant of the wonders of tau. 

And if tau is not good enough for you, maybe wau will be. 

If she can't make you love math, I honestly don't know who can. Anyway, here is a picture of the rebellious tau cookies I made last pi day. Ironically I don't think I even remembered tau day when it came around. (Although I believe I was in France so I guess I can use that as some sort of an excuse...).

That's right. I'm going against you pi.

Despite the fact that tau is by far superior to pi, I'm still a fan of anything that allows me to embrace the nerdy. So of course I bought a pi day t-shirt. With the money I won from a bet with my math TA. Yes, I know betting is not the best. But he was insisting that no set of vectors could span if they were linearly dependent! I mean, it's obvious, really.
Just kidding pi. You're the (second) best.

Anyway, happy late pi day!


  1. Yay pi! :D Also, what did your TA insist on? I am not sure how you can get a basis out of dependent vectors... :O

  2. you're right... you can't get a basis. But the vectors themselves can still span some space without forming a basis.

    1. If the vectors are dependent, they essentially all lie on the same line. I guess you can say that they "span" this line, so yes you are right. :D

      Also I just made up some linear algebra pickup lines. I think I may be going too far!
