Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm off!

Just a day and a half ago I finally arrived home in New Jersey; in just over two hours now I'll be leaving again. Sometimes life really does move at lightning speed. It's crazy how that happens.

I don't really have a lot to say, just that going to Nepal by myself is probably one of the craziest things I've done. I'm sure I'll be fine, but there will be a lot of things that I'll have to deal with myself there that I haven't ever had to before--changing money, communicating where most people don't speak English or great English, finding my way around, etc. I'll be in pretty touristy areas so I don't think it'll be a huge problem but it'll definitely be something I'll have to combat, on top of adjusting to time differences, eating foods I'm not used to, and so forth.

But really, I'm so excited! My plane ride is... you guessed it! Just about 18 hours long. And then add on top of that the connecting flights and it's about a full day of flight time just on the way there, and over a day of travelling, even without the time change. So I'll leave this afternoon and then I won't get there until Wednesday morning. Part of that is because of the almost 10 hour time difference but a lot of it is also just because getting there is going to take a long time. Crazy.
Look at my cool new backpack! This makes me even more
excited for trekking. Also makes me want to trek everywhere.

Well, I still have a little bit of packing left to do so... I'm going to do that. But if I don't get a chance to post while I'm in Nepal (which is more than likely) there will certainly be pictures and so forth up when I get back so be ready!

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