Tuesday, August 07, 2012


I've been thinking about creating a blog for a while now, but to use a bad chemistry metaphor, the activation energy for this project was too high to overcome without some enzyme assistance, aka the pressure of a clock ticking down the days until I go to college. There are only ten left. Days until I leave, that is.

To be quite honest, I haven't really thought through this whole my-life-is-going-to-drastically-change-really-soon thing in all that much detail. I know I'm going to take awesome classes and be far, far away from all the people I've been friends with all through high school, but I'm sure the reality of it will still come as a shock. Perhaps this summer has been a little too intense for inward inflection, between travelling, juggling Dunkin' Donuts and work for my dad and then finding time to hang out with friends for this last summer before college (which, I might add, is free of summer homework, hurrah!). Sometimes life just has to drag us along and hope we catch on eventually.

Paradoxically, despite all that I still have left to do, I feel like I did at the beginning of this summer - stuck between two stages of my life, where only time will remedy my straddling position. And thus I am left to wait, no longer a senior and not yet a freshman.

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