Monday, November 12, 2012

all I want for Christmas

I need to visit Australia. ASAP.

I found this picture on Astronomy Picture of the Day. I honestly can't understand how this picture cannot inspire awe. Science is beautiful, even when it's not understood. Just looking at the picture you can see a moon bow, a plane (lame, I know. It's the horizontal streak in the middle), a meteor (the vertical streak), and a band of the milky way. And that's just such a small part of the wonders this universe holds. 
Thierry Legault: Meteor and Moonbow over Wallaman Falls
I would gladly give up the conveniences of the suburbs to live in the country if there were night skies like this. Right now I live in a city, and while the mountains certainly are beautiful and I love having extended family and grocery stores nearby, I wish it was easier to see the night sky. I absolutely love the stars, for the physics I do know about them, and for the mystery that they will appear, all extended in front of my wondering eyes on a clear night.

National Geographic: Our Vanishing Night
Call me whatever you will for putting yet another picture of the night sky up, but I just can't help it. Sometimes the harsh, bright lights that are lit at night make me feel stifled, and I need the stars to reassure me that the universe is going to continue on in its course without me, and to encourage me to take charge of the things that I do have control over in my life. I need the stars to force me to take a break from my normal routines and just lie down in humble awe.

Although the sky is available to all, how many of us can truthfully say that we have experienced the full extent of the grandeur of the night sky?

I'll put that on my bucket list.

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