Thursday, November 15, 2012

finding energy

I feel like I'm not doing enough; that I'm just going through the motions and not going anywhere. Before I went to college what I wanted to do in general was pretty clear, but now I'm stuck up on all the nit-picky things and I don't know what specifically is best for me right now, and what the best ways for me to spend my time are. I want to join clubs, to find an internship, to do all of these things that I know I'll enjoy and be glad I did later, but I can't seem to be able to overcome that energy barrier of starting, of taking the time to look for internships and fill out the applications; to find out what clubs there are and figure out how to join, etc., etc.

But this is not just a concerted reaction (aka it happens all in one step), where once I overcome that initial energy barrier it's all downhill, I continually have to input energy to do the things that I think will be worthwhile, and so I don't think I can say that I've done all I've wanted to so far this year.
Probably have been doing too much chemistry lately...
I guess what I'm saying, is that lately I've been having a tough time motivating myself to do everything I need to do, and then everything I want to do. And then, sometimes, I'm simply not even sure what I do want.

BUT, on a bright side, tomorrow is Friday, and then the next week is Thanksgiving! I am so excited to have some time off of school. Other than weekends the last day off from school was Memorial day. Needless to say, I think I could benefit from a break.

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