Tuesday, November 06, 2012

run from the rapist

Saturday I decided to start running, and since I found a beautiful path along the Provo River, I decided to go running yesterday morning... at 5:30 am. Somehow I managed to will myself out of bed and go running, even though it was only for about 15 minutes. Despite day light savings time it was pitch black outside, and I can understand why there were no cars on the road. I was grateful for the lights on the path, because otherwise I would be seriously concerned for my safety (and have to go back to my apartment to get my rape whistle... thanks BYU). I was pretty impressed with myself since I not only got up but also ran the whole time, even if I did pass out (not literally this time) on the couch afterwards.

But I guess I was inwardly revolting against my ideas to be active, to reach my step count before 11:59 PM (for the step study I'm participating in). Because this morning I didn't go. When my alarm went off, this time at 6:30, my subconscious turned it off for a "really good reason." Drifting out of sleep again at 7:06, I couldn't remember what the reason was, but it was enough to convince me to reset my alarm for 7:50 and go back to sleep.

The reason? I dreamed last night that it had snowed and my subconscious self reasoned that snow was a good enough reason to keep me from running.

There is no snow. Today is gorgeous.

My subconscious is so lazy.

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