Sunday, October 28, 2012

a beginning and an end

This week started out overcast and dark. Monday I had an eight o'clock class, and when I left it was the awkward time in the morning when it's not dark any more, but it's not exactly light either. It reminded me of all the times waking up early for a flight: when you leave the house it's dark but by the time you get to the airport it's sunrise and you're tired -- but in a weird sort of way since you've been up for two hours already. I remember one time we had a flight at eight in the morning so we were at the airport around 6:30. And we threw a diaper around. Good fun actually. I'd recommend doing it when you're not fully awake though... it's more enjoyable that way. Anyway, the campus was all hushed and subdued because it was too early to exert energy to talk and be social. But it was in a good type of way -- there's that expectation of really good things to come.

And then the rest of the week happened.

And now Saturday! I went to the temple which took a lot longer than I expected so I didn't end up having time to take my test for Book of Mormon, so I'm going to have to pay the $5 late fee to take it Monday. Oh well.... And then I went home, and baked! I made pumpkin bread/muffins/cookies, banana bread/muffins, and apple pie! And also mashed potatoes. (Those are all the recipes I used, in case you're wondering. Everything tastes really good. Except for I don't know about the pie yet.) The pie is really impressive actually. It better taste good. It has a caramel sauce on top, and I didn't even realize that was what it was until I was making it and it clicked that it was caramel! Caramel in and of itself is pretty good. But homemade caramel... man, it's delicious, especially when it's still all warm and soft. I would post pictures but I don't know where my SD card went... I thought I just left it in my laptop, but it's not here, and it's not in my camera either. Hopefully it'll show up.

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