Friday, October 12, 2012

why my life is great

I'm not going to lie, this week has been pretty fantastic, albeit not that great for the tests which I have next week...

My writing paper has been turned in! I think I worked more for that paper than for any other (except maybe a research paper), so I fully expect that my professor will post it as a sample paper with my sister's next semester. The bad news: this paper is being expanded. So, I will have to put up with this paper a bit longer. But alas.

This morning when I left to go to campus, I saw a hot air balloon! It was quite awesome. Unfortunately it wasn't close enough to take a good picture though.

When I was going back from campus this evening, I saw a car with a New Jersey license plate! I don't know who owns that car, but he or she is my best friend I tell you.
Best friends. Seriously.
In my organ class we have to pick a repertoire piece (i.e. not a hymn) to learn by ourselves, and I went crazy and chose Bach's Fugue in G. It has a pretty difficult pedal piece, and combined with the other left and right hand... well it's a mess right now. But it's upbeat and fairly repetitive so hopefully it won't be unmanageable. I'm really excited to learn it though.
That's right. Playing three parts at once. 
As part of the honors program they're starting something new: honors societies, each one focused on different great work experiences such as science, service, art, literature, etc. They had a meeting for it on Wednesday, and there weren't a lot of people there so I'm kinda like a leader person now! But I have many, many ideas for this club. Like, my group could potentially fire me for over zealousness. I couldn't understand that though, because how can you not be excited about science? Hopefully now I will have people to attend lectures with, or verify that the Fibonacci numbers are real with.

Speaking of lectures, I went to one yesterday that was really, really interesting. It was on origami, and because of it I can now fully appreciate that which I used to only enjoy. Origami is useful: you can solve up to quartic equations just with two folds, as incredible as that sounds. And, you can trisect an angle! While you may not find that so, I think that that's astounding. I took a class at governor's school the summer before last which focused on rulers and compasses. And by the end of the course I had accepted that it was impossible to trisect an angle--or create a 7-gon. Yet, you can do both of those without too much trouble with origami. The amount of math that goes into something like the piece below is simply incredible, and makes me appreciate origami that much more because I now understand how complex it is.
Shizuoka Cicada, opus 445 and Cicada Nymph, opus 578
Made out of one piece of paper. For more see

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Isn't that amazing! Origami is neat. I always knew there was a reason that I thought it was so cool!
