Monday, January 28, 2013

if only every day could be like this...

Hah. So this weekend I was going to write a post about how this semester I'm too busy with school stuff that I forget how to be social during the weekends which is dumb. Sometimes people--and relationships--are absolutely an enigma to me, and I'm utterly perplexed as to how to go about unraveling them. Which is why I sometimes prefer school work, because I know how to go about solving math and chemistry problems.

But I can't really rant right now because I'm obnoxiously happy. Ahhhh. First, it's Monday, which means that I'm done with class at 3, which I know doesn't sound all that early, but it is for me. It seemed almost strange to be walking home when it was still daylight out. Anyway, here's what I came back to:
My mom is so talented!

This was supposed to be a graduation present, but I almost love it more because getting it now means getting a giant box in the mail. Which honestly is the best. Also bubble wrap. How can I say no?

And guess what else? Rhetorical question, by the way. Although most people just say "what?!" which isn't even a guess as to what happened. But minor details. This summer I'm going on a study abroad trip to Scotland and Ireland! So excited. I really just want to go explore all of the castles...
I'm not exactly a romantic, but how can you not fall in love
with that?

I'm so glad I finally know what I'm doing with my summer now. Pshhh, internships, you can wait. I'm really excited that I'll get to go home too; I just love my family so much. And hopefully I'll get to hike some of the Appalachian trail with them (them referring to the older people in my family).

Man, I just want to look at pictures of castles all day and never do homework. But tomorrow I have a test, a lab report due, math homework to do, an art quiz, research to work on, and so much more... Must get back to reality.

But just as sort of a side note I suppose, the graduate student that I'm working with on research just sent me the draft of his abstract, and almost all of it directly deals with the project I'm working with right now; I feel so important! My project this semester is really interesting, but I think I'll hold back on explaining it here... 

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