Thursday, September 06, 2012


     Not too long ago, I attempted to go to "Dr. Solen's Last Lecture." He's one of the engineering professors here at BYU who is, presumably, retiring, and thus the "Last Lecture." My sources told me that the aforementioned lecture was at four o'clock in the Clyde building, which totally makes sense because the Clyde building is where everything engineering is. So I get there, and I'm all excited, and I find a seat. I look around, and I gradually catch on that this is not a lecture... but a class. For visual arts! But fine, I say to myself, I'll stay and broaden my horizons, or however you want to phrase it. I guess they have a different person talk every week, so I got the privilege of listening to guy talk about illustrating in the most gravelly and uninteresting voice ever. I honestly couldn't tell that he enjoyed what he did, but I might assume that he did... And then here's me:
Drawn by someone much more artistically talented than I

     But it's fine. I mean, really, how many times am I going to get this opportunity? Once in a lifetime opportunity, right? Except for 4:50, the time when I assumed the class would end, comes and goes. And I tell myself, I'll leave at quarter after five if it's not over by then. And then, miracle of miracles, the powerpoint presentation ends, and he's onto questions! Surely it will only be a few painful minutes more. What lies. Each answer is a dreadful, drawn-out response, and I silently cry to myself because my SWE (society of women engineers) opening social is supposed to be at five, and it's already past that, and I'm stuck in a room full of liberal arts-minded people as the sole voice of reason (being the engineering major and such). Thankfully, after twenty minutes of (almost) scratching my eyes out, the TA stands up, and keeps the lecturer from yet one more pointless five minute response that potentially would have put me to sleep had I not been so on-edge. Hurrah, it's over, and I'm only a half an hour late for my engineering thing! So I rush out of the room, neglecting my sister, who just so happened to be in that class (poor thing), to find my like-minded engineering people, except... they are no where to be found. Thus flew away my chances at free food and good company. Whyyyyy college, why. 
Drawn by the aforementioned person

     Alas, alas shall be my cry. Similarly, I missed my engineering mentoring meeting that included free ice cream because I was finishing a group homework for engineering. Why must free food hate me? And I really, really want to do all of these fun engineering things too, they are just not really working out for me at the current moment...

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