Friday, September 21, 2012

just when I became a hexagon pro...

Orgo started moving really fast all of a sudden. I thought I had a pretty good handle of the material; after all, I was drawing hexagons like a pro! Only to learn that cyclohexanes aren't actually shaped like hexagons (I'll add pictures tomorrow...). Can you imagine my chagrin (hehe I can pretend that I'm a English-minded person) when I discovered that all this time that they had me drawing hexagon after hexagon, they aren't even hexagons? They're actually chair shaped, but they can turn into a boat, but because the boat isn't very stable, cyclohexanes usually switch between two chair conformations. But if they have constituents on the ring, they can actually have isomers, and then switch between the two, and it's all very confusing, as you might have guessed. 
This makes me happy, because I can draw hexagons really, really well
This does not. Chairs and boats are rather confusing. Thank you, chemistry
In someway I kind of feel betrayed. I mean, I've known for long enough that for every rule there are exceptions, and then exceptions to the exceptions, but really. Orgo has a way of crushing everything I learned in AP chemistry. Example: methane isn't an acid! Except for it can be. Never mind that the pKa is around 50 (aka it will almost never act as an acid), but it could potentially act as an acid. This phenomena is not unique to chemistry: it also happens in physics, and probably elsewhere too. It's all a big game, trying to figure out what is actually the reality of things (while not being overwhelmed with information).

Speaking of games... I played the career fair game today, even though as a freshman my chances of getting an internship (particularly through a career fair) are pretty slim. I got all dressed up with my sister's pencil skirt that had poor consequences for my shins (and severely restricts the stride of my legs. I will trade for a tie any day), printed out eight resumes, and gave out seven. It was... a little bit intimidating, since most everyone else had a good two or three years of schooling on me, and I don't have any standout experience yet. However, I did receive some lovely free stuff...
I also got a shoulder bag, which I probably will never use...

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