Wednesday, September 12, 2012

time to remember

First off, I'd like to recognize the anniversary of the falling of the twin towers eleven years ago yesterday. Although yesterday, not today, was 9/11, I still think it's important to remember, no matter what the day. I think sometimes I (and perhaps others, too) tend to get caught up in the so many things that are going wrong in America, such as high taxes, crooked politicians, etc., that I forget to remember all the great people who make up this country. Today as I was heading to campus for an engineering meeting (I actually made it this time!), I came right when the flag was being lowered. The national anthem was being played and everyone stopped, hand over heart. That was a powerful reminder to me that although there are so many different factors which can divide this country, there is also a very strong uniting force among all these people of different backgrounds, beliefs, customs, languages, capacities, etc.

Also, it's my brother's birthday on Friday! He's turning eight (these pictures are pretty old, thus the braces), and I'm super excited for him to be baptized. I really miss this guy.
If you have been reading this blog (which no one really has, and I kinda like it that way...) you might have gotten the impression that I distance myself as much as possible from people. That's really not true. I have many people I absolutely adore (and miss, now that I'm so very far away!), but I don't particularly like writing about people because I don't like being written about, and I wouldn't ever want to write about someone who would be uncomfortable with that.

Just one final thought for tonight... 

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