Monday, September 10, 2012

okay, so I'm a leeetle bit obsessed

I may have mentioned this before, but I kinda have this thing for physics going for me right now (despite the fact that my physics class is super boring right now because it's all, direction vectors! and oh hey, acceleration! blegh). But I started to read this book by Walter Lewin, who is physics professor at MIT, and can I say that I really wish I was taking his class right now? You can tell that he absolutely loves what he's studying, and it's all so very interesting! I don't know about you, but I know how rainbows work, and why you're slightly shorter when you're standing up, or why the scale goes berserk when you stand on your tiptoes when you're weighing yourself. Also, light travels slower in water, but speed travels faster. Interesting. He has all of his lectures online here for his physics II class (electricity and magnetism) if you're interested; hopefully I'll have the time to eventually watch those because I probably won't get to take an actual class on it in college (and besides, how can I resist?).
I really, really, really want to have the same kind of passion for learning that he has
Somewhat more related to my life, but I finally learned about my research! I got paired with a professor in the chemical engineering department who does a lot of research on combustion. I'm not sure which project I'll get to work on yet, but I am super excited, although I can sense that I'm going to have to do some proving of myself as to be a help, not a burden, to the group. So excited!

Just so you know that I actually do have life outside of nerdy science/math/engineering stuff, here's proof:
I made this instead of doing homework (if you want to make one, you can learn how here), and I also watched Little Rascals which is really funny/cute and ate brownies with my FHE (family home evening) group. AND, my procrastination skills are top-notch (case-in-point), as demonstrated by the fact that I'm writing this blog post...

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