Monday, September 03, 2012

school at long last

I've been putting off posting on here, because although so much has happened, I'm not really sure how I feel about everything yet, but I suppose close to 1am would be a good time for a blog post (college does crazy things to your sleep schedule).

Orientation last week was tons of fun, and I met lots of people (the majority of whom I don't remember names of now), but to be quite honest it was a little bit overwhelming, and it made me anxious because all of the things that will probably be routine for me in a month or so were foreign and unknown, and without classes starting I couldn't exactly determine where my favorite places to think/people watch/study and so forth were to be.

Classes started this past Monday, and I was really grateful for that. Nothing like classes starting to help you get in the swing of things. Other than the class change in between statistics and freshman writing (it's a mad house getting out of the JKB... Wednesday I was stuck trying to get out of the building for at least seven minutes, and then I had to move myself allllll the way across campus to the Maeser building. In three minutes. It didn't really work out. Perhaps I should have tested out Rachel's philosophy from The Poisonwood Bible; just stick out your elbows and float along with the crowd. Maybe I'm too short for that, I don't know.), I really like my schedule (although maybe not the fact that my organ class is at 8am. That is somewhat unfortunate). None of my classes seem like they are going to be terribly difficult, and I'm particularly excited for organic chemistry (which I'm sure you'd be able to tell from the way that my knee always bounces when I sit down for class, and how I haven't introduced myself to anyone, and how I take the most scrupulous notes in the history of man...) because my teacher is somewhat obsessed with fire, and we always have at least two demos (involving fire) every class period. Chemistry is so cool!

I've learned a lot this past week, at least from the college life perspective. I learned how to use the washers and dryers (they take foreverrrr), how to use my ID card, and what it can be used for, how to print stuff out, how to make friends (okay fine, still working on that), how to find my way around, how to use practice rooms for piano, how to check stuff out of the library... I of course had to find the science section and get the nerdiest books. I also bought some pretty nerdy books that were on sale at the bookstore, so I guess now is just the challenge to be able to find time to read all of them.

I don't know when I discovered that physics was super cool and became enamorated with it, but I really do enjoy reading books about the universe and so forth, although I wouldn't ever switch to become a physics major. Maybe I'll minor in astronomy...


  1. What is the best book that you read over the summer that you would recommend? Glad that you're getting into the swing of things.

  2. I think I enjoyed reading stuff by Kurt Vonnegut the most.
